Docker: Finding Container That Binds A Port In The Host Network Mode

Docker: Finding Container That Binds A Port In The Host Network Mode

During deployment, the other day, running an HTTP server application in a Docker container in the host network mode kept resulting in an “Address already in use” error. I knew which port was in the conflict but couldn’t tell which container already bound that port. I was already running quite a set of containers and didn’t want to stop them one by one. I figured out how to quickly identify the conflicting container and would like to share this knowledge with whoever finds it useful.

AES-GCM Encryption: Javax.crypto vs. Python cryptography

AES-GCM Encryption: Javax.crypto vs. Python cryptography

I am part of a development team that produces an Android application that exchanges secrets with a server-side application. These secrets are generated on both client-side and server-side. Before secret data is transferred to the other side, it is protected using a hybrid cryptosystem, where there is AES-CBC encryption involved.

Keeping Passwords Safe / Why and How I Use Password Managers

I had several chats recently about how and why accounts get stolen. I realized that reasons for hiding passwords from others and the ways of doing it are not at all obvious. That is why I decided to create a short post where I advocate the use of password managers, describe their functions and talk about how I believe they should be used in the correct and secure way.
